Casual Tennis with Elise Peterson: By Way of On

Elise Peterson is an artist, a friend, a go-to MOM as the founder of Cool Moms, a podcast that highlights dynamic mothers who prioritize their passions.

We’ve done a few interviews, I’ve been her fan for a long time, but we’ve only recently become closer. You know that thing that happens with acquaintances turned friends, it really can go one of two ways. I’m happy to report that as we get further into friendship, I’m floored by the person I get to meet (and that you get to hear from) whenever I hop on a zoom or sit in a room with Elise.

We’ve had conversations where we’ve cried at the tough, slogging, ready-to-be-done-with-this parts of life, and celebratory texts, waitlist updates for school, shared resources, quick pop into a few stores on Melrose to talk about NY versus LA style, disagreed, and during our tennis time, she told me to “stop.” when I was out there trying to be Coach Kim on the court. LOL. (Or was it “shut up” I’m trying to remember now.)

She is both someone I can be open enough to be petty with, and in the next part of the conversation continue to talk about purpose and our power in that purpose. A rarity. In every sense of the word: as a mom, artist, the coolest of Cool Moms, and now tennis player.

Photography by our friend Jennelle Fong 
Tennis Videos by Mina CHOE & HAnnah CHUNG of ourworkingtitle
THANK YOU ON For SPONSORING THIS EDITORIAL FEATURE and supporitng casual tennis: OUr monthly tennis series for a low key, too fun way to move. ELISE WEARS ON RUNNING THE ROGER PRO & THE ACTIVE SHORTS.
Can you tell me your favorite thing about yourself or what people say they admire most about you! (For me, it’s your smile, your willingness to be vulnerable and open (esp through COOL MOMS), your artwork, and Sargent. 

You’re so sweet! Thank you. My favorite compliment to receive is that I’m funny. I think to know me well is to understand my sense of humor. Aside from a good giggle, I really appreciate my ability to disarm and engage people. I’m definitely the person who a stranger will tell a secret or a friend to confide in. It works well in hosting Cool Moms, because the women I interview allow me intimate space to excavate their stories. 

How do you describe your work in this season?

Expansive. I’m leaning into doing less, more intentionally, to reach a larger audience.

I know for your visual art, it is a lot collage-based work, but when did you bring movement and video into the work medium? What kind of feeling does it evoke in a way that still art work might not be able to express?

I started experimenting with video really early in my practice. Video collage initially started off as a fun challenge. How can I bring to life the story of the subjects I feature? It was when I came across archived audio from an interview I commissioned from a writer (I was an editor at the time), that it dawned on me that I can bring together these two worlds, writing and art, to broaden my storytelling. 2D work allows the viewer to come up with their own stories about the art. Video work gives me the ability to weave together a story that feels important to tell from materials that otherwise are unrelated. 

What has movement looked liked for you? What has your relationship to movement and/or sports been like?

My relationship with movement has ebbs and flows. I try to stretch as often as I can remember, and workout whenever time allows. I’m a former athlete, but it's been surprisingly challenging to find the movement my body enjoys and responds to. In my most ideal time, I can spend it in nature, hiking.

How do you sustain community? Especially when life gets busy and things like distance, timing, global pandemic get in the way of building and sustaining it?

For one, I made it my job to sustain community. Cool Moms was in direct response to my need for understanding and support through the massive shift that is motherhood. The community keeps me honest and holds me accountable for showing up for them and myself. Outside of “work” I really love my friends. They are my chosen family, so there’s ease and joy in sustaining our connection even through our own personal shifts. 

It's been surprisingly challenging to find the movement my body enjoys and responds to.

The community keeps me honest and holds me accountable for showing up for them and myself. Outside of “work” I really love my friends.

Who have you included in your



I've included photos of a few of the people who are either part of my chosen family or my Cool Moms community. Both of these groups can be considered part of my clubhouse, because we have a symbiotic relationship; pouring into one another to serve our highest good. 

What is your special superpower? Your unique gifting that you bring to your community and ultimately to the world?

I am limitless in my ability to share and archive stories.

I am limitless in my ability to share     

        and archive stories.

Want to play? Join us!

May 3

Flint Canyon Tennis Club
7:30-8:30 PM


June 7

Flint Canyon Tennis Club
7:30-8:30 PM

Tickets coming soon

July 5

Flint Canyon Tennis Club
7:30-8:30 PM

Tickets coming soon

Aug 7

Flint Canyon Tennis Club
7:30-8:30 PM

Tickets coming soon